The World Games are a day away, but you still have time to get familiar with some of the competition before you check it out in person. So we present our latest list, ranging from unfamiliar to been-there/done-that (just not on an elite, international level).
From China comes this martial arts competition that is divided into two categories: Taolu (Routines Competition) and Sanda (Free-fighting Competition). The World Games will focus on Taolu and its specific components, which include pre-determined, choreographed techniques focused on stylistic principles of attack and defense.
Categories for the Birmingham games include Changquan (Long fist), Nanquan (Southern Fist), Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan), Daoshu (Broadsword) and Jianshu (Straight Sword). 2022 marks the third Wushu competition in The World Games.
Tug of War
A fixture of the company picnic, this ancient competition features two teams of eight, with maximum weight limits, pulling with every ounce of strength they have until one team crosses the center line.
It has become a World Games fixture, with 10 previous appearances. Chinese Taipei won the women’s indoor/540 kilograms competition in 2017. Also back to defend titles: Great Britain (men’s outdoor/640 kilograms) and Switzerland (men’s outdoor/700 kilograms). For those not familiar with the metric system, 700 kg is equivalent to 1,543 pounds.
Heavens to Robin Hood, this ancient sport is a keeper. In Birmingham, competition will focus on two disciplines. In Target, competitors shoot 72 arrows from a distance of 50 meters at an 80-centimeter target face. Athletes are ranked according to first-round scores then paired off in elimination rounds.
In Field Archery, competitors will compete in Recurve and Barebow competition, shooting at 12 unmarked and 12 marked targets. After the first round, athletes will be ranked by score for the next elimination round. However, the top two scorers from the opener get byes to the semifinals.
Speaking of Robin Hood, the world-famous archer who taught Erroll Flynn techniques for the 1938 classic movie was Shelby County native Howard Hill. The world record holder in 1928, Hill parlayed his talents into a lengthy career and numerous movie roles, including the aforementioned “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (as Owain the Welshman) and “San Antonio,” another Flynn cinematic adventure.
Think hockey, but without the ice. Five-player teams maneuver a ball into the opponent’s goal using sticks. Checking is a no-no, but there’s still a lot of contact. Players can’t use their hands or head to advance the ball, but a good kick is allowed – as long as it’s not aimed at an opponent.
This sport is popular in Europe, but it actually originated in the good ol’ USA. The Sweden men are the defending champions, having taken the title at the 2017 games.
Canoe Polo
Just like it sounds, athletes maneuver lightweight canoes/kayaks to reach their opponents’ goal, suspended 2 meters above the water. Paddles are lightweight, with rounded edges to prevent injuries. The sport was created in England and is back for the fifth time at The World Games. Germany is the defending men’s and women’s Canoe Polo champion.
Meanwhile, the sport’s English cousin, Marathon Canoe, features individual competitors navigating a long-distance course.