Ryan Jensen
Category: 2023 College Winner

Ryan Jensen

I have been motived and inspired by Kimberley Bryant ever since 9th grade. My freshman year of Highschool I had to write an essay on this woman and her life and really got a chance to explore her life. She is a genuine inspiration given her life, and she’s still going. Her mother had her during the Civil Rights Movement, which is a tough upbringing to have to deal with, but after that, she obtained a degree in Electrical Engineering with minors in Computer Science and math. Her crowning achievement is “Black Girls Code” which was inspired by her own daughter being interested in programming, and she couldn’t find the adequate courses she desired for her daughter so she created her own program to teach girls to code and has a goal to teach 1 million black girls to code by 2040. As of now, there are 15 chapters across cities globally. She specifically inspired me by her education in the 80’s. She studied very difficult fields while being black in south at this time, and that really speaks to me as a current full-time college student. I couldn’t imagine the stress and the struggle she must’ve went through since even though segregation was legally over, it must’ve still had left over effects she dealt with. She personally led me to pursue computer science., which is the field I intend on pursuing for the foreseeable future. Her entrepreneurial spirit and ability to handle adversity has led me to really try in school and hold myself to a higher standard. I feel like I’ve made myself better because of her in the way of the struggles I’ve overcome, I went from a directionless lost kid to a driven young adult who knows where he’s going in life. I’ve recently been accepted to a google supported training company called Techwise, which she would wholeheartedly approve since it’s main goal is to get more women, and specifically minority women into tech. On top of that, I lost 100 lbs in 2019, all this I can attribute something to her. As an inspiration she deserves adequate credit. She’s capable of being an inspiration to all, not just those in STEM.