$5.8 billion. Let that sink in.
That’s how much money Americans lost to phishing attacks and other fraud in 2022.
That’s why Regions Bank – and financial institutions across the nation – are again teaming together to support the American Bank Association’s annual #BanksNeverAskThat campaign. Throughout the month of October, we’ll share tips, videos and other great information to help you protect yourself.
Phishing has reached epidemic proportions as scammers use texts, emails and other messages while posing as reputable companies in attempts to get you to reveal personal information, including credit card numbers and passwords.
“Education and awareness are your best defenses against bad actors,” said Jeff Taylor, head of Commercial Fraud Forensics at Regions Bank. “At Regions, we are proud to support the ABA’s national #BanksNeverAskThat campaign as part of our year-round efforts to make sure the public stays aware of the latest scams and fraud trends.”
In the weeks ahead, we’ll show you what to look out for. That includes:
- How to recognize email scams.
- How to spot phone call scams.
- How to identify text message scams.
- And how to defend yourself – and respond, should you fall victim.
You can get a head start by going to the ABA’s website now: Home – Banks Never Ask That!
Once you think you’ve got a grasp on the situation, test your knowledge by playing Scam City, an interactive challenge with an old-school, video-game feel.
We’ll have fresh content on Doing More each week through the end of the month. And, as always, you can find more fraud prevention information from us at regions.com.

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The information presented is general in nature and should not be considered, legal, accounting or tax advice. Regions reminds its customers that they should be vigilant about fraud and security and that they are responsible for taking action to protect their computer systems. Fraud prevention requires a continuous review of your policies and practices, as the threat evolves daily. There is no guarantee that all fraudulent transactions will be prevented or that related financial losses will not occur. Visit regions.com/STOPFRAUD or speak with your Banker for further information on how you can help prevent fraud.