Category: Culture

Trusted Partner, Compassionate Leader

Dave Leonard, June Better Life Award winner, lends a healing hand to hurting hounds as a rescue pet foster parent..

Dave Leonard constantly looks out for the needs of others, and his teammates regard him as a trusted partner who generously shares his time, expertise and compassion whenever needed. Each day Dave, a Consumer Banking Manager in Houston, Texas, seeks opportunities to provide creative solutions for his team members to offer their customers. Dave encourages his team to collaborate with others for ideas on how to meet both business and career goals.

Dave is also very generous to four-legged friends. He and his wife have brought more than 50 rescue dogs into their home as foster parents for Rescued Pets Movement (RPM), a three-year-old nonprofit organization in Houston that has placed nearly 20,000 rescued pets in forever homes nationwide.

Dave and his wife take the dogs from the brink of being euthanized, nurture them back to health and care for them until RPM finds them a home. Regions is donating $1,000 to RPM on Dave’s behalf.