Jada Probst
Category: 2024 Quarter 3 Winner

Jada Probst

I’m a nail-biter, leg-jiggler, and speed-talker, meaning I’m seldom captivated by much, but coding remains the singular activity that brings my brain peace. This passion didn’t just occur; it was inspired by my father, Patrick, the smartest person I know. His ability to find answers to any question has always fascinated me. It all started with my obsession with princesses and his with power tools, two seemingly opposite elements that, for five-year-old me, blended perfectly.

As my father’s first-born, I served as his assistant on countless projects, whether tinkering with our TV or hiking Mt. Diablo. I preferred dressing dolls and singing Disney Princess songs, which led us to compromise on our weekly adventures. Hiking? A pink flag would crown the mountain’s peak. Building? A Barbie toolkit was our go-to for constructing household items. My father taught me to blend traditionally feminine traits with hands-on technical projects. Embracing my identity as a proud STEMinist, I found a way to challenge norms and make space for both sides of myself in a field I love.

Growing up with my dad, who possessed seemingly infinite knowledge, always inspired me to achieve more. His firm yet kind guidance nurtured my curiosity, like the nails we would pound into Ikea dressers. Reading Stephen Hawking’s series George’s Secret Key to the Universe with him fueled my desire to learn about the world, eventually sparking my interest in computer science.

Coding is the only activity that calms the endless loops of Radiohead songs and the counting by twos in my mind. Nothing compares to the feeling when all your code runs perfectly or when people are amazed to learn, “You made that?” I spent over 150 hours coding an app for the Congressional App Challenge, and instead of getting bored, I wished for more hours in the day. Throughout this journey, my father’s influence remained a constant source of inspiration. His excitement about my projects motivated me to keep pushing my limits and his belief in me fueled my passion for coding. Whether it was helping me brainstorm ideas for my user interface to helping me build my app’s brand, my father was there for me through it all. This confidence now drives me to give back. Inspired by my father’s influence, I now volunteer with young girls in STEM, aiming to ignite their interest in the field and help them find the joy that computer science brings me. This work both fulfills my desire to give back and reinforces my own passion for coding as I share it with the next generation of girls to ensure continued growth for future STEMinists. Coding allows me to make compromises like the ones with my dad. I can leverage my technical talents and coalesce them with creativity and design, a dual nature I refuse to dilute, and, most importantly, I can follow in the footsteps of my father, while pioneering a path for myself, the curious princess I’ve become.