Media matters. Regions Bank executives have been on TV screens, smartphones, and newspapers. They are breaking the news that time is running out for South Florida business owners to apply for an intensive, no-cost training program designed to help small businesses grow and thrive.
The program is called Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC). Through ICCC, business owners receive training from experienced professionals who are recognized nationally for their expertise in business development and strategy.
Miami-Dade Market Executive Chris Cruzpino first joined WSFL-TV in July to share the good news. Because of financial support provided by Regions Bank, business owners do not pay any tuition.

“ICCC is a game-changer for business development,” said Cruzpino. “This is an opportunity unlike any other – a free, powerful program designed to help South Florida entrepreneurs scale to new heights. Interested business owners should apply now while space is still available.”
The program covers topics ranging from strategic management and competitive marketing to developing long-term, growth-oriented business plans and more. One-on-one coaching is provided so entrepreneurs can share their experiences and learn how to address their own unique challenges and opportunities.
The deadline to apply for this transformative program has been extended to Friday, Sept. 20, 2024.
Those who are accepted into the program will be invited to attend a one-day business education conference at Miami-Dade College Padrón Campus. The program also offers 40 follow-up hours of webinars and access to a national ICCC conference for qualified businesses. Because of financial support provided by Regions Bank, business owners do not pay any tuition.
Kelley Brown, Regions’ market executive for Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, also made an appearance on lifestyle show Inside South Florida where she talked about how ICCC makes executive-level business education available to local entrepreneurs who often would not have the time or resources to receive such training in a traditional education setting. You can see her segment here.

Instructors at ICCC events throughout the program’s history have included professors from institutions ranging from Harvard University to Dartmouth, New York University, and more. Training is customized to meet the needs of businesses that are accepted into the program, and it is delivered in a manner that minimizes the time investment business owners need to make – while maximizing results.
- Since ICCC’s inception in 2005, more than 5,800 businesses have participated in the program in cities across the country.
- Those businesses have since raised over $2.4 billion in capital.
- Further, they’ve created over 26,000 jobs, according to ICCC.
ICCC is part of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), a nonprofit founded by Harvard Business School Professor Dr. Michael Porter to help empower communities through education and private-sector investment.
“ICCC is like a ‘mini-MBA on steroids’ because so much information is packed into the main training event – and follow-up support continues for a long time after,” said Steve Grossman, CEO of ICIC. “This is an unmatched opportunity for growth-oriented businesses to access top-tier, tuition-free training and connect with leading experts. Together with Regions, we’re committed to fostering inclusive growth and prosperity in our cities.”

Regions Miami Commercial Banking Executive Tammi Calvo-Sanchez joined WSFL-TV for a final appearance announcing the application deadline extension with one week left to go.
Regions Bank’s support of ICCC was also mentioned in Florida Trend which delivers business news and information across print and digital platforms. Additional information on eligibility – as well as applications – can be found on the ICCC website,