Just two words. Two simple words. But sometimes they can carry more meaning than we realize.
Thank you.
It’s a way of expressing not just appreciation. It’s a way of saying, “I see you.” It’s a way to show we value what someone else is doing. It’s another way of saying we stand together.
At Regions, our Diversity and Inclusion networks in several cities – and our company’s leadership – are offering sincere thanks to our colleagues. To be clear, we say “thank you” and show support and solidarity with each other in many different ways. Regions offers a wide range of programs empowering and uplifting our associates.
And just recently, after the tragic events our nation has experienced, members of our leadership team sent very powerful, deeply personal messages, linked here, to all bank associates.
For months now, our banking teams have also been helping customers navigate the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. So, during the month of May, many of our coworkers wanted to find a simple, and personal, way to share appreciation for, and with, each other.
In this instance, our Diversity and Inclusion networks took time to share thanks (and some tasty treats) for Regions associates on the frontlines of financial services.

These frontline associates are not in positions where they can work from home. Rather, they are the ones making sure the local branch is still open. They’re the professionals you see through the drive-through window. Or if you make an appointment to come inside, they’re the ones who offer in-person customized financial guidance.

At our corporate facilities, they are the people whose work keeps our systems running and our services moving forward for millions of customers and associates.
So, among other efforts, Diversity and Inclusion network members coordinated doughnut drop-offs or snack stations, while following a list of safety precautions. They couldn’t cover every single branch in our 15-state footprint. But the network members visited as many locations as they could.

In some cities, the words of thanks came through creative photo collages, where Diversity and Inclusion networks got together to send a visual signal of appreciation.

Our Executive Leadership Team, joined by our corporate Diversity and Inclusion colleagues, did the same through a ‘thank you’ collage.

And while the snacks and the photos were a nice touch and a huge hit, this was about more than a quick break and a little something to eat. It was about more than these friendly photo messages…

…It was about a brief, but important, connection. It was about reminding our colleagues that, even though a lot of us are working from home right now, and even though we cannot gather in the same ways we used to, we still see each other. We still value each other. And we’re all still part of the same team.

Banking and financial services have taken on new meanings for a lot of people in 2020. COVID-19 has not only impacted health. People and businesses around the world have also been impacted financially.
But our teams at Regions are committed to helping in a variety of ways. The people you see in these pictures are working every day to carry out our mission – and that is to make life better for the customers and communities we serve.
The response to this initiative has been overwhelming – a reminder that while we work in separate locations, and we represent many different departments, we’re still one team – one Regions.

We just thought it was a good time to pause and say…Thank you.
If you’d like to send a special note of thanks to someone right now, consider sending one of these free ‘thank you’ ecards from Doing More Today. We have ecards that cover a wide range of greetings and holidays. The cards are always free to send and great to share.