The mission is to train, mentor and assist returning military, National Guard and Reserve members, veterans and military spouses, as they start and grow small businesses.
The Veterans Business Resource Center (VBRC) is an economic development agency opened and in continuous operation since June 7, 2004. VBRC trains veterans in skills for start-up and/or expansion of businesses through workshops and seminars, as well as online and face-to-face counseling. Services include local, state and federal government procurement assistance, business skills training, marketing, bookkeeping and financial projections.
VBRC is an award-winning organization operated by a highly-skilled staff and is recognized as one of the Top 15 Organizations to Make Your Business Grow in St. Louis. This is a specific honor, as this award is based on community recommendations and votes. The Center has more than 15 years of established relationships with government and corporate procurement within the United States. The VBRC operates the regional Veterans Business Outreach Center, assisting clients in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Southern Illinois.
The VBRC is the longest operating agency that focuses on traditional, Main Street small businesses, and has earned a reputation for seeking out and establishing innovative collaborations and partnerships to lesson duplication of services and utilize the limited resources of all programs in the military community.
The Mission
The mission is to train, mentor and assist returning military, National Guard and Reserve members, as well as our nation’s veterans and military spouses, as they start and grow small businesses. The majority of the VBRC client base includes veterans and their family members, and the programs specifically address American Wounded Warriors and Disabled Veterans.
The VBRC operates the Boots to Business Entrepreneurship (B2B) Training program on seven regional military posts. These B2B classes train transitioning military in entrepreneurship as potential career next steps after service.
The Center specializes in one-on-one business consulting, assisting clients with navigating the small-business space. VBRC partners with VetFran, focusing on veterans in franchising while ensuring they are educated on the pros and cons of purchasing into a business. In addition, we assist with business and growth plans for entrepreneurs, ensuring clients are aware of programs and opportunities in their communities, the region and across the nation.
What Would You Do with $5,000 and a Day of Service?
This donation and volunteerism would assist in staff professional development and marketing and allow us to complete work on several projects with varying levels of experience needed.