It’s the new year, and almost everybody is trying a new diet plan or gym membership. While getting slimmer and fitter is never a bad idea, it’s also a great time to whip your money into shape.
Just like any new exercise program, fiscal fitness takes hard work and discipline. The first few weeks or months will prove the toughest. But with a whole new financial you around the corner, isn’t it worth the effort?
If you’re ready to slim down on debt and bulk up savings and investments, you’ve come to the right place. Here are ideas to consider when making 2025 pay off for you.
The Starting Blocks
The hardest part of any fitness routine? Stepping onto that bathroom scale for the very first time. Likewise, having a clear picture of your finances is a crucial first step. What’s your income? How are your savings? And what are your expenses and debts?
With Regions’ net worth calculator, get a quick snapshot of your fiscal picture. That way, you’ll know your starting point. And what you need to do next.
Map Out Your Routine
Don’t have a household budget? Now is a really good time to start.
Fortunately, Regions’ budget planner makes it easy to put one together. With a few quick entries, learn how your income stacks up against expenses. That in turn helps you create a realistic plan when it comes to paying off debt.
Good Habits Take Time
It’s an oft-told tale. People start fitness programs on Jan. 1, only for gym memberships to go unused by February.
When it comes to financial habits, however, you have pretty good tools to keep up the momentum. The Regions mobile app and Regions online banking are designed to help keep a tight rein on your spending. And the better you keep tabs on your money, the more is left over at the end of each month.
Keep Goals Realistic
No one starts at square one and runs a marathon the next month. Smaller, more attainable goals are key.
Maybe it’s telling yourself, “I’ll save $500 this month,” or “Let’s pay off that credit card by April.” It’s better to sail past small mileposts along the way, rather than never reaching a vague, audacious goal somewhere off in the distance.
Everybody Could Use a Trainer
Hit the gym and, chances are, you’ll find someone there to give you advice. Shouldn’t the same be true of your money?
If you have ideas about improving your finances, yet lack a clear picture how to reach your goals, schedule a Regions Greenprint® appointment with a Regions expert to come up with a solid plan. Think of Regions as your savvy workout buddy to help you get into peak condition.
Or, if you want to do your own research, Regions has Personal Insights, part of, or the financial education resources of NextStep. These are brimming with smart financial advice for almost any question you might have.
Go On an Interest Diet
The right equipment in a workout gets you the best results. Likewise, the right financial tools can help you shed interest payments at a much faster rate.
With credit cards, transferring your balance to a credit card with a lower rate can really help. Even better, many credit cards have introductory periods where interest rates are incredibly low. That could give you the breathing room you need to pay down balances. Use Regions’ balance transfer calculator to see if it’s the right move for you.
Another option? If you have equity in your home, a home equity loan for debt consolidation can slash high credit card interest payments. Regions home equity loans, which are a good place to start, allow you to pay off credit card debt at a much lower interest rate.
Power Lift Your Savings
Life happens, no matter how well you plan. It should be a priority to build an emergency fund in a savings account separate from your checking account. Fortunately, it’s not that daunting.
Regions can show you how to create a savings plan that puts financial security within easier reach over time.
Small Habits = Big Difference
As Ben Franklin said, watch the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves.
The little things, such as not spending an unexpected bit of cash or banking the contents of your change jar, might not seem like much in isolation. But make it a daily habit to put money aside or reduce spending, and it could have quite the impact on your money picture.
Exercise Caution
One of the smartest money moves you can make? Pause before clicking links on your mobile phone or in emails.
Fraudsters are counting on you to be distracted, using that as an entry point for scams. You might be the target of a fake delivery text or phishing message. Before clicking that link, give it a second look. And if it doesn’t feel right then stop, call, and confirm.
Taking that extra few seconds to verify the source could save you a lot of headaches later.
Future Dreams? Get Started Today
You’ve tamed your debt and have enough set aside for the unexpected. Now it’s time to really build for the future.
Creating an investment plan with clear future goals such as retirement doesn’t need to be intimidating. Instead, it’s a step-by-step, month-after-month enterprise. Stick with it, and you’ll be amazed at how much your nest egg grows over time.
It’s not rocket science. It just requires a little guidance. To learn more about ways to improve your money picture in the year ahead, contact a Regions banker today. And end 2025 in the kind of financial shape you didn’t think possible.
Non-deposit products including investments, securities, mutual funds, insurance products, crypto assets and annuities:
Are not FDIC-insured
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This information does not constitute an offer or contract for products/services and does not alter or amend the terms and provisions of any customer agreement, which are subject to change. Please refer to the pricing schedule or the applicable customer agreement or disclosure for the requirements and features, including applicable fees, charges and pricing of accounts, products and services. The terms and provisions of the actual customer agreement govern and control the products/services. All products/services are subject to terms and conditions and may be subject to qualification requirements, credit approval and fees.
To qualify for a LifeGreen Savings Account, you must have a Regions checking account. The minimum opening deposit amount for a Regions checking account is $50. The minimum opening deposit amount for opening a LifeGreen Savings Account is $50 (or $5 in branch if you set up a monthly automatic savings transfer from a Regions checking account). An automatic transfer of funds of at least $10 from your Regions checking account to your LifeGreen Savings account in at least 10 of any of the 12 calendar months that precede the month of your account opening anniversary (your “Account Anniversary Month”) is required to earn a 1% annual savings bonus. The annual savings bonus is based on the average monthly balance for the 12 calendar months that precede your Account Anniversary Month. The annual savings bonus will be paid to your LifeGreen Savings account by the second business day of the month following your Account Anniversary Month. To receive the annual savings bonus, your LifeGreen Savings account must be open on the date the annual savings bonus is paid. Maximum annual savings bonus of $100. You are responsible for any tax due on any amount received under this offer. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for the LifeGreen Savings account and the LifeGreen Preferred Checking (other Regions checking accounts do not pay interest) account is based upon balance and may change at any time. Check the current interest rates and APYs for LifeGreen Savings and LifeGreen Preferred Checking. Regions Bank reserves the right to change the terms of or terminate this bonus program and prorate the amount of any bonus payment at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.
Services are provided by Self Financial, Inc. Enrollment (including eligibility requirements such as being 18 years or older) is subject to Self’s terms and conditions. Regions Bank does not provide these services and makes no representations or warranties about them. Individual results vary. You may not receive an improved credit score. Other factors, including activity with other creditors, may impact results. Many lenders, including most auto and mortgage lenders, do not use scores impacted by rent, cell and utility payments. Not all bill payments may be eligible. Rent payments are reported to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Utility & cell phone payments are reported to TransUnion.
LockIt® controls will not block all transactions on your card. They will not block transactions processed when standard authorization systems are not used. They will not block merchant-identified recurring transactions, credits to your account, ATM deposits, ATM Now Card loads, ATM payments (including transfers from your deposit accounts to your credit accounts), ATM check cashing, ATM inquiries or ATM account mini statements. If your credit card provides overdraft protection to your checking account, they will not block overdraft protection advances.
Enrollment in Online Banking requires eligible Regions accounts. To enroll in Online Banking, you must have either a Social Security or Tax Identification Number or use alternative enrollment procedures available by visiting a branch. Mobile Banking, Regions Mobile Banking app, Alerts, Notifications, Text Banking and Mobile Deposit require a compatible device and enrollment in Online Banking. All are subject to separate terms and conditions. There is no fee to access Online Banking or Mobile Banking, but fees may apply to certain products and services offered through Online Banking and Mobile Banking. Mobile Deposit may be subject to fees. Your mobile carrier’s messaging and data fees may apply. You must be at least 18 years of age to use Regions Bill Pay or Zelle.® U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle.®
Mobile Banking, Text Alerts, Regions Mobile App, and Regions Mobile Deposit require a compatible device and enrollment in Online Banking. All are subject to separate terms and conditions. Mobile Deposit is subject to fees. To enroll in Online Banking, you must have either a Social Security or Tax Identification Number, or use alternative enrollment procedures available by visiting a Regions branch. Your mobile carrier’s messaging and data fees may apply.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, Apple Pay, and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Android, the Android Logo, Google Pay, and the Google Play Store logo are trademarks of Google Inc, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license. If you don’t know the person you are paying or aren’t sure you’ll get what you are purchasing, we recommend you do not use Zelle® for the transaction. Once you have authorized and made a payment through Zelle,® it may not be possible to reverse the payment or recover the funds. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in minutes and generally do not incur transaction fees.
We can provide these alerts only if you have provided your compatible mobile phone number and/or email address to us; we can provide alerts by text only if you have not opted out of communication via these methods. We provide alerts as a courtesy, and have no liability for any failure or delay to provide an alert to you. We may modify or discontinue these alerts at any time and without notice to you. Your mobile carrier’s messaging and data fees may apply.