Every day, thousands of people fall for fraudulent emails, texts, and calls from scammers pretending to be from their bank.
Throughout the month of October, the American Bankers Association, Regions Bank and financial institutions across the country are working together to help make sure you aren’t the next victim. The campaign is called #BanksNeverAskThat.
Financial safety is a major focus here on Doing More Today. But with each passing day, there seem to be new scams and schemes – and, unfortunately, new victims.
At Regions, our focus on fraud is rooted in our desire to keep our clients informed and educated on the latest schemes they may face.
Jeff Taylor, head of commercial fraud forensics, Regions Bank
Want to make sure you’re not one? Watch this video from the ABA and find out how three friends almost got scammed.
Then, take this quiz to get your scam IQ. Share your score on social media and tell your friends how to avoid being scammed. With bragging rights and scam-spotting skills, everyone wins.
“At Regions, our focus on fraud is rooted in our desire to keep our clients informed and educated on the latest schemes they may face,” said Jeff Taylor, head of commercial fraud forensics for Regions Bank. “The ABA’s #BanksNeverAskThat campaign is one example of how we provide educational materials and true-life examples to help our clients build processes and controls to protect themselves and their businesses.”
While the ABA campaign continues until the end of the month, Regions’ focus on keeping you safe never ends. We can help you stay safe with resources from Regions.com.
And you can keep up with the latest scams – and solutions – with advice from Doing More Today:
Preventing Ransomware Attacks Just Got Easier
3 Steps to Better Cyber Hygiene
4 Steps to Avoid Vendor Fraud
3 Steps to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyber Attacks
Fight Financial Fraud in Five Steps
The information presented is general in nature and should not be considered, legal, accounting or tax advice. Regions reminds its customers that they should be vigilant about fraud and security and that they are responsible for taking action to protect their computer systems. Fraud prevention requires a continuous review of your policies and practices, as the threat evolves daily. There is no guarantee that all fraudulent transactions will be prevented or that related financial losses will not occur. Visit regions.com/STOPFRAUD or speak with your Banker for further information on how you can help prevent fraud.